Voicemail for Radio and Podcasts

Do you host a radio or podcast and want to give your listeners a voice? Then Camflare can be your perfect companion for collecting audio voicemails, which feature in your show.

Asking your audience for their opinions, shout outs and reactions and then featuring their voices on your recording is one of the biggest growth mechanisms. Why? It allows your listeners to feel inclusive and an integral part of your community. It’s one of the main reasons that main stream radio has been successful for so many years.

Up until now the options have either been costly (renting a mobile phone with voicemail or a dedicated broadcast voice system), complex to set up (whatsapp groups) or too public (social media networks).

It’s time to rethink your approach and take a closer look at Camflare. Remember it’s not just a video tool, it has high quality audio recording too.

Imagine a Camflare link as your personal telephone number, where your listeners can click, record and send you a message, delivered instantly to your secure cloud storage. They don’t even need to log in.

In turn this syncs with all your connected devices so you can pick up the messages anywhere you are producing the programme.

Here’s how easy it is to set up!

  • Connect your Dropbox or Google Drive.
  • Create an unlimited audio session and give it a name - let’s use Podcast Voicemail.
  • Copy the invite link and include this in your show description. (If you need this to be shortened to something catchier to say on air, or to tie in with your brand - then use bit.ly to create a custom link.)
  • Then sit back and wait for the messages to roll in.
  • Your listeners will click the link and be taken straight into the studio - which has an easy interface with record, play and upload buttons.
  • When they’ve recorded, all they have to do is press that upload arrow and it’s done!

This is massively scalable, dependent on the amount of cloud storage you have. Remember that Dropbox and Google Drive both have free plans and you can create small accounts with them over and over again. Just disconnect and reconnect new storage whenever you need it!

All recordings are industry standard .wav files, which import into any audio editing package. (The quality does ultimately depend on the microphone of the listener, but most laptops are now equipped with high quality mics.)

Try audio voicemails for your radio or podcast today for free, just sign up with your email at camflare.io

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