Easy Way To Record Video Testimonials

Camflare Mobile App
Camflare is the easy way to record video testimonials.

Record yourself or request files from your clients with just one link.

Video testimonials are a proven, authentic way to grow your business and spread the word of your brand.

And the great thing is, it's simple to get going. 👍

1 - Connect a Dropbox account
2 - Create a video studio
3 - Share the link

The link directs you, or your clients, to the Camflare video recorder. Familar controls and works on any device.

Just press  🔴 and upload back to Dropbox in just 1 click.

✅ No log in for contributors
✅ So easy to use
✅ Fast and seamless

👉 Try it out for free (no commitment) 
*No credit card details needed, just use your email.

🔴 Record Yourself

Want to see how easy it is to record a video testimonial?

Just click the  'Record Now' button below. 

  • If you're on a desktop or laptop then you'll be taken to our in-browser recorder.
  • If you're on a mobile device then you'll be directed to the App store or Google Play to download our free app.

Pretend you are recording a video testimonial for us...Go for it and hit 'Record Now'.

Why Dropbox?

Dropbox is a flexible, secure storage solution trusted by over 600 million people worldwide.

Camflare doesn't store any of your videos, they are uploaded directly to your Dropbox via our apps, giving you peace of mind.

Don't already have Dropbox? No worries. You can sign up for a free 2gb account and start using Camflare straight away.

*Connect a free Dropbox and get around 110 minutes of storage. Upgrade to a paid plan and have space for thousands of hours.

👉 Try it out for free (no commitment) 
*No credit card details needed, just use your email.

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