How to Improve Your Video Quality

Camflare is the quickest way to record and send high quality video. But sometimes when you’re recording from home, you might find that the shot isn’t quite looking as good as you think it could. 

The most common reasons for this are how you light your shot, and where you place your device. Luckily, there are simple solutions to allow you to hugely improve your shot, with minimal effort!


Lighting is the most common issue people have when recording from home. Where available light is lacking or misplaced, the overall quality of the recording is reduced. Not everyone has professional lighting at home - but the good news is that you don’t need it. You can instantly improve your set-up with minor changes, resulting in a more professional and polished look. 

Firstly, you need to find a strong lighting source in the room in which you’re recording. If it’s during the day, a window is a great example, but lamps are also useful.
Secondly, you need to consider their placement. The light should be shining onto your face, not coming from behind you. If you can, set up your device so that it is between the light source and your face. 

Finally, check for other light sources in the room that might be behind you. Lights set up behind you will affect how your device automatically exposes the overall image, and can leave you looking underexposed. You should draw any curtains that are behind you in shot, and move back lights away or turn them off. 
With these changes, your background should be darker and less prominent, and the light draws the eye to what’s important in the recording - that’s you.

Device Placement

As discussed above, you want to place your device in such a way that the light falls onto your face. But it’s important to consider what’s going on behind you too. 

Ideally, your background should be as plain as possible to avoid distracting the viewer from what you’re saying. Before you start recording, check what can be seen in shot, and if it’s not necessary, move it out the way.

You should also consider how you fit into the frame. You want to be close enough so that you fill most of the frame, but not so close that your head is getting cut off at the top. Most devices can be tilted, otherwise you can just move them slightly forward or back to accommodate this. 

So, here’s a quick checklist for you to run through before you start any recording:

  • Check your lighting is in front of you, not behind
  • Keep your background simple and tidy
  • Adjust your device placement so that you fill the screen 

It really is that simple!

Try out your new set-up today by signing up for for free.

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